Friday, January 1, 2016

Responsible and Timely Reporting

Mandates for Reforming Our National Politicians[These ideas would apply to state and local government as well]

The print and visual media appear to be selling air time and product advertising around their commenting and analyzing rather than just reporting information to the public. There is usually 30 minutes of “new / important” news each day, but takes 24 hours a day [on every network] to deliver the intended message? Before the 1960’s news people reported the news, over the next forty years television began what is now titled entertainment news, and in the last few years we are now subjected to the “speculation and prediction news.” There are very few existing independent news voices / sources remaining. News is released by corporations where it is contrived, packaged, and controlled very carefully. Spend a few moments and do a Google-search of the owners of the major broadcast and print media. The search results are a real “eye opener.”

Let’s allow the news media to become the secondary reporting tool that it really should be. Politicians must be required to contact their constituents directly [at least weekly] on a Congressional session basis. All positions and reports are posted in the public media and in a language that we the constituents understand and approve. All sources for broadcast and print news reporting is gleaned from these official reports and the usual individual political “grandstanding” is not encouraged.

Read the rest of the story:

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