Friday, January 1, 2016

Don’t Re-elect Anyone in Congress - DRAC

Mandates for Reforming Our National Politicians[These ideas would apply to state and local government as well]

To change the way Congress is managed “we the people” should not re-elect any current politician (Federal, State or Local) for a minimum period of 10 years [or until the current mess has changed for the better]. As we all know, Congressional members are not compelled to work together, so if they can’t or won’t work together let’s get rid of the entire group. Obviously they are not elected in the same years, so it will take several years to vote them all out, but it can be done.

Initially, the concept of not re-electing any (national) politician appears to be a harsh or radical idea that is impossible to accomplish. We all have favorite politicians that are (in our individual opinions) doing “a good job.” It would seem to be stepping backwards to remove them and lose their positions of seniority.

If we stay focused and DRAC for an extended period of time Congressional members will eventually understand completely what we the people are requiring. If you are concerned about their “well being,” be reassured, the existing members of Congress are protected by the lifetime pensions they appropriated for themselves, so don’t feel bad for them. If you are worried about finding qualified people to serve, don’t. If we eliminate the “old boy or seniority system” the best qualified people will come forward to serve. Just remember, “DRAC” [Don’t Re-elect Anyone in Congress] until we have candidates and a process we can directly control.

Also, if, for a period of time no qualified people exist in particular area of the country, the system can and will function without a few members here and there. There is a process “in place” to handle the new incoming political members, yes, the process will still function if all the members are considered junior members.

Read the rest of the story:

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